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she told me that she used it once before

12 Jul 03

so. the inevitable happened today. i knew it was going to sometime.

i gained. the least amount you CAN gain at ww. but still. it was a gain. .2. not two pounds. point two pounds.

which isn't too much. and i was kinda expecting it, because i haven't walked a lot this past week. so... now i feel like i can safely say that you need to eat healthy and exercise in order for it all to work.

today's meeting was alright. we all talked about our journeys. she like, picked on everyone. not picked on... but addressed each person. i always feel weird talking at the meetings. the girl that went before me was also named kristen... and we've been on the same losing path. we got the 25 pound magnets on the same day... and we both have lost 33 pounds. so it's like we're on a competition. just kidding. i talked about how it's the first week i gained, etc. but it seemed like everyone was amazed that someone has been on program for that long without having any gain. so that made me feel better.

not that i felt bad... but... it kinda is a downer when you gain. ah well.

so anyway.... have i even told anyone that i have been thinking about buying a new car? well. i have. i think i have it down to a protege, corolla, and civic. i need to test drive the civic and also the corolla le. i tried out my mother's but... you can't manually adjust the seat, so it felt a little weird. plus i'd like to test drive a car that has a moonroof... since hopefully i'll be buying one with it. :) the protege was nice. it had everything i wanted. but... i guess i'm just attached to my corolla now. i love her. it's going to be sad to see her go! :(

alright. that's it for me. i need to go do something with my life. :)

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