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i lose all control and something takes hold of me

29 Jun 03

it's really depressing when i go to my stats and see that NO ONE has read my diary. :( that's what it was yesterday. but completely understandable, because i really don't write about much in here... PLUS i haven't updated in six days. or so it said. so i guess i deserve it.

anyway, yesterday i went way over points. even over points just with the clambake at mad martha's. all those things just add up. but i enjoyed it all... so i deserved it. maybe if i had water instead of five beers, it would have been okay!:O i haven't drank like that in a while. i had a buzz. i think the last time was on the bar crawl. yeah, that must have been it. but along with the beer, i had bbq chicken (since i'm not a fan of lobster), cole slaw, corn on the cob, steamers, and clam chowder. it was fantastic. i didn't even think about points. i feel that i'm super anal about points. i journal everything. oh well. but it was good. good people. i got to see janice's friends as well. it's funny, cause i only see them at her holiday party in december... so now i've seen them twice. in one year. kinda crazy. they're cool, though. it's weird cause i don't have much to say to them, but it's always so nice to see them. :)

OMG.. i can't believe i didn't say anything. but yesterday was a saturday. and guess what DIDN'T happen on a saturday. IT DIDN'T RAIN!!!! it was beautiful. ON A SATURDAY!!! i was shocked. no humidity. it was a perfect day.

anyway, so i went to weight watchers yesterday. and lost another 2. somehow. i think wearing shorts instead of pants helped a little. but i was pretty stoked. so it's 32 gone. and only 6.4 to my birthday goal! which is to weigh what i did when i entered college. i gained 38.4 pounds since summer 95. 8 years, so that's an average of 4.8 a year. not TOO bad... but still... bad, cause it all adds up.

today is my cousin's fiance's bridal shower. guess who is not super stoked to go. yup.. you guessed it, me. i'm so tired. i can hardly stand it. my tummy is kinda blah. but that might be because of the alcohol... or because of the prescription.

wait... i didn't even say anything about going to the doctor, huh? well... let's just say that my monthly friend was ridiculously heavy this week. and um.... so i went to the doctor and got an exam, etc. and she gave me these pills that "stop" my friend from staying. they worked like a charm. i have nothing right now. absolutely nothing. i take them for ten days and then my cycle should start up again. so i guess that i should just enjoy it while it is nothing, eh?

so yeah.... i have a headache. i need to take some advil. have a fantastic day everyone. can you believe that july is right around the corner!?

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