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photo courtesy of waterstain

a mole digging in a hole

12 Mar 02

it's almost time for the real world. i like that show. don't ask me why...

but i really was always a fan of it.

today was alright... slobby thinks that we all took an hour and half lunch... which we didn't. a little over an hour, yes... but not an hour and a half. and it wasn't intentional. ugh. he sucks, but i don't really care, cause i know that i do more work than i need to prove. ya know?

so putnam and blackrock both got their packages today. my wonderful cookies that i made. putnam was more than thankful for them it seemed. i felt like i got an email or phone call from everyone over there. blackrock said "thanks, that was nice" but i've given blackrock plenty of things before. like souveniers from my vacations. but putnam... one guy responded and referred to me as catanjovi.... i got such a kick out of that. heh. catanjovi. word.

alright, so i'm a dork. i think we've established that already.

did you realize that hummus is really good? well, it is. it's yummy. and i like it. hee hee.

i hate to pay bills, but i feel that i have a bunch coming up. even though i don't.

just one. on friday. yikes. not fun.

i hate bills.

okay, this is a pointless post... i'm going.

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