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she's a witch, i hate her

21 Dec 01

do you wanna know what is really frustrating?

when you want to pay your verizon bill on line and it's not letting you through because of some sort of system difficulty. ugh... just let me pay my damn bill.

that's all i want.

ugh. i was late with the cable bill this month too. late with the cable. and probably will be late with the phone bill. i just hope that the late charges do not rack up. they shouldn't. i'm a valued customer. i generally pay stuff on time. they should give me a break, ya know? but they don't. cause the system blows.

okay. enough ranting and raving from me. i'm going to have a wonderful day off tomorrow. and i can't wait. i'm getting my car inspected. i'm going to be happy. and i'm not going to think about an inkling of work.

it's been so hard to do that. it's just been work, work, work this entire month and it really is rather frustrating, cause i never want my work to become my life. it's just really not fun. at all. and i shouldn't get stressed, cause it's not worth it. it really isn't.

anyway... i really really should be getting to bed. but i felt like updating again and complaining. i hope you enjoyed it. was it as good for you as it was for me?

it's really weird for me to update twice within a half an hour. ya know? but alas... you guys love me. so enjoy.

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