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photo courtesy of waterstain

meant for someone else, but not for me

26 Nov 01

okay, i think that i am fully obsessed with crossword puzzles and the like. i just can't get enough. not so much with crossword puzzles, but with those cryptogram things and kriss kross. yeah, i'm pathetic. 24 years old and i like to do puzzles. so shoot me.

i got up at about noon today. yippee. i haven't done that in ages. but the thing is, is i slept for 8 hours. normal time, ya know? cause i went to bed late cause i got in surprisingly late last night. i'm just the party animal. not really. my friend colleen held a game night. well, her friends mike and jon held it at their place, but they're her friends. basically a bunch of colleen's friends get together and play games. this is the first game night that was held in a year or so. it's a fun time. we played apples to apples and taboo. i love apples to apples. it is my most favorite game. i can't even describe it to you. you'd have to experience it yourself.

i finally saw monsters, inc. today with alia. it was cute. i didn't like it at first. the monsters were kinda freaky... esp. mike wazowski (or however you spell it...) the one with the voice of billy crystal. that eyeball just freaked me out. but i got use to it. it was a cute movie. if you like toy story and shrek then you'll like it. i'm pretty sure anyway.

i still dig harry potter though. that was a really good flick. it was long. but it was fantastic. and so to the book. it wasn't one of those movies where the movie is so awful compared to the book. granted, the book (as always) was better, but the movie is definitely great if you like harry potter. i personally wish there was more quidditch in it. i just love oliver wood. love that character. cause i'm a dork. him and ron. i bought a ron figurine at target yesterday. it's so cute!

i really have no desire to go to work tomorrow. maybe i should call in sick. that would be bad considering that i wasn't in two weeks ago for the entire week. but i just need a day to myself. with no one around. just sitting here in the apartment doing nothing but what i want to do and how i want to do it. i would really love to live on my own. but if i did, i wouldn't have a life, cause i wouldn't be able to support myself. ya know? well, i could live... but i wouldn't be able to go out as much as i do right now. hmmm... ah well. it was worth a thought.

anyway, i should get to bed. i'm kinda tired. see ya later.

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