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if project

25 Nov 01

if project november 2001

If you were given one cosmic 'get out of jail free' card that would allow you to undo one act from your past, which would you use it on? What outcome would you hope to result from that decision?

It�s really hard for me to answer this, because I�m one of those people that believes that each situation develops you into the person that you are today. So changing anything in the past would almost change you in the entire sequence of events. But, I suppose that�s how everyone thinks in one way or another.

What I would change is nothing really major, but I do find myself repeating this - �I wish that I went to college in the city.� Preferably Boston, but any city, I�m thinking, would do. I went to Bryant College, in Smithfield, RI which is a business school about 15 minutes north of Providence. The campus itself was in the middle of nowhere really. Don�t get my wrong, I loved my time there tremendously, but looking back on it, I think I would benefit from going to school in the city.

I just think that if I went to school in the city I�d be around people more and I�d experience more of the world. At Bryant it seemed like we all lived in a bubble. Although I adored the fact that it was a tiny, intimate school where everyone was an individual and not just a number like larger colleges, I also think it had it�s drawbacks. Everyone was in your business whether you wanted them to be or not. That was probably the biggest drawback. And things, after a while, got boring. Everyone was use to everyone.

When you go to college in the city, it�s almost as though you�re getting cultured and growing and learning just by walking down the street, taking the T (subway system in Boston), or sitting at a bus stop. There are always people around. You have a better idea of how different people from different cultures interact everyday. Granted, some of these interactions would be negative, in which case, they would make me a harder person, but I feel that it would be better to see that than not.

But along with going to college in the city, I would NOT go for business. That would be another change in the school that I chose within the city. Since Bryant was a business school, there weren�t many majors to choose from and none that really interested me during my junior year when I just couldn�t take it anymore. I�d probably choose some sort of liberal arts school in Boston and major in communications or English or something. Business would definitely be out of the question.

So I suppose that if I had gone to a liberal arts school in the city, that I would feel more accomplished, maybe. Or maybe I would feel more cultured. Or maybe I�d be more open-minded. I really don�t know the exact outcome of the change in events, but I think all in all, I�d become a stronger person, the type of person that has been there, and thus, can speak for myself.

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