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i'm hot just like an oven

06 Oct 01

another beginning of the weekend. and thankfully i'm not really doing anything. i don't have plans. i have things to do, like go food shopping, but i can do those at my own pace. yippee. i hate food shopping on saturdays, but i figure 7 oclock will be a decent time to go food shopping, cause i don't think many people will be out, but then again, i could be wrong.

so today i went to the bank today, and then visited my parents. that wasn't bad. i sat there for a half hour or so just watching women's golf with my dad. whoever thought that would happen. but ya know what? i enjoyed it. i haven't spent time with my dad for a while. for some reason we have this communication gap or something. it tends to be hard to pick topics to fully discuss with just my dad. normally its a question and then a one word or one line answer. but it wasn't bad this time. it was nice.

after i stopped there i went to barnes & noble to look at journals. i only have one page left in my current journal, so i needed to get one today. normally, i'm not one of these people that just picks up and uses anything... i'm a person that like things that are characteristic of me. so i picked out this nice celestial angel cover print. it's very nice.

let's not forget about the fact that i like boys that read. so barnes & noble is just almost orgasmic when i walk in. just seeing guys around looking at books. reading covers. flipping through the pages of books. asking associates where they can find the book that they went there to find. i don't know why, it's just an incredible turnon for me. while i was looking at the fiction section, authors e-g, i noticed this guy down the way, with books in his hand. i wanted to see what he looked like, and what he was reading without making it incredibly obvious. so i was looking at the books in front of me, picked out smart vs. pretty by valerie frankel. and turned around to look at authors g-h. and decided to pick out nick hornby's about a boy. i always spotted this book, but never bought it when i was out. the guy in the aisle was somewhat going alphabetically by author as well. so when i turned the corner to the next aisle, i decided to take a quick look at his books. but when i did so, i looked at him. his face. he was smiling. i'm not sure if at me or what. i mean, he seems like a nice guy... but i looked directly at him. and it was weird. i did notice that he had about 3 600+ page books in his hand. but for some reason i just went on my way rather than just say a casual "hi". ugh. i swear, they should have singles nite at barnes & noble. it'd be great. so i left with two new books and a new journal. someone stop me please.

why did i just go into all that? i really don't know. i just felt like it. i'll meet my boy in a bookstore. it just wasn't my day today. maybe tomorrow.

anyway, i think that i am going to leave you now. maybe i'll have more tonight.

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