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you dropped a bomb on me

12 Aug 01

am i on an "updating my diary spree"? apparently. it's amazing. why do i feel the need to update my diary when nothing is going on?

so i did nothing yesterday. not a freaking thing. except for going to the bank, visiting my parents, and doing laundry. other than that, i sat around and read the latest edition of people. we bought it the other night at like 2am in a CVS across the street from this random open 24 hours place called buzzys. we only went to CVS cause they had a bathroom. but i felt bad, so i had christina get a magazine so we could all use the bathroom. cheap, yes, but it was so necessary. i wouldn't have made it to mellon. the reason i picked out the mag is cause ben's on the cover. the alcoholic that he is. i would like to say "i don't see it in him" but i have no idea how he is in his social activities. he's still a babe... so i like to look at him. i read the magazine pretty much all the way through last night. i like that mag. it's very easily readable. i like those mags. they're good.

oh, and i watched bands on the run on vh1. that occupied me from like 5 to 10 or whatever. yeah... i'm a tv junky apparently. not really, but i was yesterday. he he. and then... pop up brady came on nick at night. wahoo for pop up brady. although one of the episodes was the same as last week. it was my favorite one... the one where peter's voice changes. so i didn't mind watching it... at least it wasn't the one with oliver and going to the park and them acting out their old western movie thing. God, i hated that episode. anything with oliver pissed me off.

ya know what really interests me in my stats? all my google hits. sometimes they're interesting. like, i swear to God my business contacts look up their names cause i've gotten several for frank and brian. and i even got one for my kick ass english teacher, terri hasseler. and mr. footlong hotdog inventor. i get hits for that. and for buy oxy clean. they're just interesting. i think it's funny that random people make way to my page. oh well

my friend from college, missy, is coming up today for dinner. it should be good. i haven't seen her in ages. well, strike that... i saw her at the end of july. july 20th. but we haven't hung out for a while now. just me and her. ah well... no biggie, i guess. cause when we hang out, it's like no time has passed in between. he he. i'm just not sure as to where i want to go for dinner.

right now i'm somewhat watching saturday night fever or rather... it's on, as i'm typing it. i'm not really watching it. surprise surprise. i think i tried to watch it once, and i just couldn't get through it. i like john travolta, but for some reason, i really don't like the movies he's in. does that make any sense at all?

maybe i should get ready and do something? although it's miserable out right now. sometimes miserable can be good. cause it's raining, but it's cooling us off, so i can't complain. he he.

anyway, i'm gonna go make myself useful and do something. i don't know what, but something. catch ya folks later.

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