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photo courtesy of waterstain

train boston pt. 2


so i realized that i left a lot out... but i was worthless yesterday. i couldn't put a thought together if i tried.

so... we're still at the paradise in boston (i'll post about hartford later today). during train's set bonniy got a tap on the shoulder by some chic who neither of us recognized. BUT... it was colleen. she looked different with glasses. due to room constraints, the most i did with her was give her a hi five.

then after the show, when the crowd started to leave, colleen brought tom and susan over for us to meet. or in me and bonniy's terms... tomtom777777777777777777777779. so what if we were reciting people's im names. it's how we know each other for the most part. or how we DID know each other. but now that we met... now he's just tom. hee hee. it was such a quick meeting... i shook tom's hand, waved hello to susan and hugged colleen. mitchy and janna came over to talk and discuss the greatness of the show. that's when the stage guy started throwing out drumsticks. so mitchy and i turned and tried to get one... which was pointless for me, cause i couldn't even try cause i'm short. but he didn't get any drumsticks... and then we turned around and colleen and tom and susan were gone. and i'm like... "where did they go?" but i guess they left. susan had a three hour drive back to connecticut. so it's understandable. i just wish i had more time to chat with them. if they go to lupo's, i'm sure i will.

so mitchy and janna decide to leave cause they gotta go back to connecticut. but mitchy and i hugged goodbye... and i really didn't want to let that boy go. he's just awesome. i don't know why he's so great. but he so is. i love the boy. i hope he and janna had a safe trip back.

bonniy and i are there by ourselves and decide to go to mcdonald's cause we're both mad crazy hungry. but, to no avail... mcdonalds was closed. grrrr.... so we went to store 24 and got chips and water. it was so cold outside. to me anyway, considering i was just wearing a t shirt. so we sat on a stoop near the paradise and ate our chips and drank water. tom the roadie came and talked to us. he seems really cool and fun. there were also many random people. some guy looking for andre... just screaming the name out. and then this other guy comes by when we were talking to tom and says "hey dude.... did you see a really tall dude, and a really short dude walk by here?" bonniy and i looked for all the dudes that we could find... but there were no tall dudes walking with short dudes. hmmmm... maybe the dudes got into a fight and aren't walking together. and then... my favorite people... two guys standing on the street beside the train tour bus, facing it. bonniy and i were doing commentary...

first guy: dude, where's the other side of the street?

second guy: i think it might be on the other side of the bus

first guy: but how do we find it

second guy: maybe we can, like climb over this bus

first guy: that'll take too long

second guy: not if you move the dumpster over here so that i can prop myself up

first guy: that could work

and on and on. we just didn't let it go. but the story does have a happy ending. the found the other side of the street. bonniy and i were going to tell them to walk to the end of the bus and then look across. but, proudly, they figured it out on their own.

i wonder if andre was ever found?

i hope the tall dude and the short dude made up... and are walking together so now their friend could find them.

oh... and dude.... where's my car?

so after all that fun.... pat and jimmy came out and we talked with them a little bit. very nice guys. for some reason, i just think jimmy totally rocks. i really didn't know what to say to them. so i kinda kept quiet. pat was mad that his friend didn't stick around after the show. so... who knows. they seemed worn out. and all jimmy wanted to do was go to bed... but he's like "i NEED to call my wife, but all i want to do is go to bed" oh, i felt so bad. then charlie came out and hugged bonniy. very nice guy, he seems.

we waited forever for scott to come out so that we could say hello. but, he never did. and tom the roadie told us that he left. but we were there the whole time... except for when we went to store 24. but that was way too soon for them to come out. i finally convice bonniy to let me drive her to her hotel room. she was refusing claiming it's only 10 blocks away. but um... hi... it's freezing out.. and you have sandals on. let me drive you. so we're walking to the car and she calls scott. and scott is backstage. he NEVER left. he's all "just wait there and i'll come right out" but we were pretty much at my car... so... we're just like... um... let's just go. so i drove bonniy back. gave her a great big hug and a happy birthday (she turned the big 2-0 yesterday the 10th)

and then i drove home... i took route 20 to 95. why? i don't really know. but after dropping bonniy off... i was going that direction. so i just went with it.

God, i miss everything about train. i didn't realize how bad it was til weds. night.

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