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house party!!!

21 Apr 02

recently received april 2002

moving house

Hi Kristen,

It�s Kim. Remember me? You better. Anyway, what�s going on with you? How have you been? I feel like I haven�t talked to you in ages since I�ve moved out here. I guess that�s what happens, ya know? Moving takes quite a bit of energy out of you especially if it�s across the country to California.

So I�ve been out here for nearly two months and I was thinking to myself, I really ought to get back in touch with the girls back in Boston. So here I am. I do have some good news. I�m not sure if anyone else told you (I told everyone to keep their mouth shut so that you�ll know individually� that goes for you too) but I moved into a house (enough of that apartment stuff). Finally. I didn�t think it was ever going to happen. It�s right in Pasadena. I can�t believe I�m living in Pasadena. That�s so weird. Two months ago I was living south of Boston and now I�m living in Pasadena. I am going to have plenty of room so when you guys come by during your California trip, you�ll be very comfortable. I can�t wait to see you guys again. It�s going to be great. Don�t worry, I�ll scout out the area for cute, single guys. And I�ll only pick the best!

So that�s what�s going on with me. What�s going on with you? Tell me all the stories. All those Purple Shamrock/Black Rose stories. Have you met any interesting guys along the way? How�s work been? I hope not too stressful. If you ever get down at your job, don�t forget a good dose of Office Space always does the trick! Yeah, the TPS reports, yeah!

Anyway, I should get going. I want to get a letter out to Alia today too. I can�t wait to hear from you.

Many, many hugs,


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