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the holiday season

22 Dec 01

dear x december 2001

The holiday season

Dear Christa,

What�s going on? Not too much here. Just the same ol� same ol� at work. This whole bad job market thing really stinks right about now. I so want to get out of my current position, but there is nothing that I would want to go to. Oh well.

So how has life been with you? I hope that things are good. I feel bad that I don�t talk to you so much anymore. How�s the job? Are you still at that computer place? I can never think of where you work. I just know that you buy parts for computers. So computer place is fitting. At least to me it is. Is anything else new? Or are you like the rest of us going crazy during the holiday season?

Why are things so crazy during the holiday season? People always seem like they�re in a rush to get somewhere. And then there are those people in the mall that, I swear, just want to piss you off by walking slow in front of you. Ugh, they just annoy me. Yes, that happened to me today, if you couldn�t tell. I guess I�m just a tad bit bitter.

But then I think about making cookies and breads; the holiday parties at work, and somehow it makes all the annoying things about the holidays worthwhile. Or at least easier to deal with. Which brings me to an idea. How about get everyone from college together and have some sort of party thing. Maybe we could all bring something, like an appetizer, or dish, or dessert. I think that would be fun. It would also be pretty cheap. Let me know if that sounds good. You have more contact with some people than I do. It would be nice to see everyone again at once.

Anyway, let me know what is going on in your life. Even if we can�t get the whole group together, you and I should get together. I think it would be fun. We�ll just need to agree on a time, which is a lot harder than what it sounds. Ah well, we�ll figure something out.

Take care,


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