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mama i'm comin' home

12 Jun 03

hey everyone.

it's me... again! woo hoo. i know you're all excited. i feel like i never have anything to write about in here anymore. oh well. i guess we'll see. i feel like my life is at a standstill as far as writing goes. i haven't emailed people as often as i normally do... or written letters to my pals or written in here... etc. ah well.

okay... can i just say a couple things about food shopping. i'm probably in the very low percentile of people that actually like to go food shopping. i always have. eh. well not always. i like it while i'm actually shopping... always have... BUT getting me there... before when i lived in woburn... was ridiculous. but now i can get myself there AND i enjoy it... UNTIL i get to checkout. because i swear that i get behind the worst people. or maybe i'm just super anal about how i check out. i just don't like when people don't pull the carriages in front of them when they're able to. like... if all their stuff is on the belt... and the people in front of them already left... PULL THE CARRIAGE IN FRONT OF YOU!!! but no... instead they keep it there... until THEIR stuff is all bagged, etc. it drives me nuts. i could have all my stuff on the belt by that point... AND have put the little stick thing after it so that the person behind me could put their stuff on the belt. efficiency, people!! argh! it just aggravates me. i know it's nothing to get all grrrrr.... about... but. that's just one of the things. there's plenty more, but i won't get into it.

so tonight, when i went walking around the tufts track. i saw a couple people that i sometimes see there. all runners. three of them to be exact. one guy who's a little on the chunky side... but runs all the time. and you can just tell he really wants to keep in shape... like you can tell he works hard at it cause he wants to. another guy who is super built and runs... but how he runs, it doesn't look like he's moving. it's really odd. i can't explain it. he has nice calves. and then this other shorter guy... dark hair. who has THE BEST CALVES i have EVER seen in my entire life. everytime he runs by me, i almost salivate. it's orgasmic. i'm a calf girl. i love when guys have really nice cut calves. and oh my God... does this guy have them. he wasn't there for too long, so i wasn't able to look at them for a long time. but i swear there is going to be one day when i just can't help myself and i end up telling him. :) hee. okay, that's my little rant. :)

i am hoping to lose the 1.2 pounds this week that i need to in order to make it to 25 pound loss. it was a mini goal set for me. i have a feeling that i'm not going to make it, but i'm really hoping that i will. i just want that damn magnet! hee! i think at 50 pounds you only get a magnet too... i wonder if it's going to be a bigger one. hee! but everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me... i so need it.

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