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one step... make an imprint

20 May 03

oh my. i have a blister near my left ankle right now. i got it from walking. here, i'm trying to do something good, and i get a blister. hee. just kidding. i think it really has to do with the socks that i wore. and how the shoe comes to my ankle. i wore those peds things so it doesn't even look like i have socks on. and then my sneakers kinda come up in the back. i could feel it probably like 2 miles into my walk... but i just couldn't stop. i needed to do the 3 miles. so i finished... even though i knew that my ankle would be in pain. oh well. i'm glad that i finished what i wanted to. :) i walked around the tufts track. although it's a little dull... i enjoy it. i time my laps. :) the only thing that i'd like to change is the fact that i think a lot when i walk around there. and by myself... which i have done since the roomie doesn't want to walk just yet... and/or she doesn't leave work at a normal hour. but i think to the point that i have conversations in my head. like... how i would address a problem to someone. and it's many different things. so i feel like i overthink situations now.

i think that i'm going to wear my capri's and sandals tomorrow... even though it is suppose to rain... i just want to. it's suppose to get on the chilly side too, but hopefully i will be able to deal. i will just bring my windbreaker with me!

today i cooked in my crockpot. woo hoo. go me. i got a ww recipe from trish (a girl in the pal world) for italian pot roast. i thought it came out well. i could use some more seasoning or something... but overall, it was good. and pretty damn tasty. who ever said that low fat stuff can't taste great?

i hate when people call what i'm doing a diet. i really don't like that. and sometimes other ww members address it as such in the meetings. i guess i feel like what i'm going through is not just what i eat... which i personally would constitute as a diet... but how i eat, the environment that i eat in, how i supplement things, my willpower, exercise, motivation, strategy, ability to challenge myself, etc. i don't know. it's a lot of things. and i guess to wrap it all up and call it a "diet" is just plain out wrong to me. but i suppose everyone looks at it in their own way. and i've thought about it since i started. it's like a lifestyle change. i knew the night before my first meeting that i needed to be aware of portions, wouldn't be able to eat fast food so often, etc....

and i read something similar in someone else's diary. i'm not sure whose. i'm thinking it was sarah's (who looks absolutely FANTABULOUS by the way) but i'm not sure. and i thought that i was the only one feeling that way... so i'm glad that someone else feels similar.

alright, my butt is hurting. more later.

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