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as i slip farther and farther away

16 Jun 02

well, well, well. here i am. back again.

this time, my roommate is in rome. yippee skippee. this is as much exciting for me as it is for him. granted he's seeing another country and meeting really cool people and experiencing a lot. but i'm sitting here, in my pjs, in front of a computer with no one here. um.... who has it better? to me, that's a close tie.

last night, alia and lace came over (surprise) and we made salad and ziti bake which came out much better this time than the last time i made it. i don't really know why. after having a big discussion about high school and how we were back then... which ended up being quite emotional... we went to the theatre to see scooby doo. which i will have to say... is not as bad as what the critics are making it out to be. it might be something that you want to rent.... BUT it is enjoyable. oh well... i guess i have a bad taste in movies anyway. but i thought it was cute. it brought me back to the days when i would come home from school and turn on scooby doo. yeah. yippee.

and today is father's day. happy father's day to all the dad's out here. i should mosey on over to my parents and give my dad the gift that i bought him. i hope he likes it. it's kinda all random. he'll use it...

i think i'm going to make eggplant some time this week. probably either monday or tuesday. depending on how my days go. we'll see. i'm enjoying this being alone thing. you can do whatever you want whenever you want. and you don't get in people's way.

as for those of you that want an update on my auntie status.... i'm still not an auntie. my sister is doing well, though. i talked to her yesterday. seems like she still has everything going... the fun attitude, sarcasm. she hasn't lost it. which is good. i think she just wants the baby to be born. they have names picked out... BUT are not telling what they are. they have a girls name and a boys name... so as soon as the baby is born, they'll know the name of the child. :) i just can't wait. it's so exciting. :)

anyway, i should skeedaddle for now.

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