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it's alright, alright with me

20 Feb 02

my contacts are suctioned to my eyes. i hate when that happens. it's just not fun at all. maybe i'm working too hard or something.

i went through some of my old entries on this diary last night. and well, there are things that jogged my memory. for some reason i was really on this michael kick. ya know, the guy that's my contact that i met, etc. well, i read some things and i was thinking, 'i don't remember him ever saying anything about this before'. but if i wrote it, he said it. and for some reason, i missed him. i don't really when i think about it now, but you know when deep down you feel like you truly connected with someone? well that's how i felt when i talked to him. and i miss that. but i don't really miss him per se. i just miss having that person that i would talk to at the end of the day. the last call before i go to bed. and i don't have that anymore. oh well. maybe some other time. hopefully soon.

do you know what today is? today is my one year anniversary on diaryland. isn't that super spectacular? i thought so. i didn't think i'd still be around. to give you the God honest truth. i thought this would have been a passing fad. just like my puzzles. boy, those things were in one day and out the other, huh? yes, they were. but not diaryland. no siree bob. even though i did go through a huge drought during the summer or what have you when i barely updated.

what does it take people to quit their jobs? like, how much practicality goes into it? cause i always feel like i'm on the verge, yet i never go through with it. and it's not a good thing. i just want to walk into rob's office and go... "look, i'm sick of your bullshit. you're bringing this team down. i'm sick of having to prove myself to you when i've gone above and beyond what is expected to me." and just walk out and quit. i would love that. but what kind of situation does that put me in? not a good one. i guess it's better than being fired, but it's still not great. why don't people look at other people and say, "hey, here's a kick ass job for you." i guess we live in a dream world. or maybe it's just me. that could be it.

i really haven't kept up with my memoir class. i mean, i have, except i haven't really participated too much in this side writing group. people post what they have written, but i really don't have time to critique it. i guess i could, but i don't know... i've never found myself to be the critiquer type.

i should really give my friend colleen a call. we're suppose to hang out this weekend, but i don't know what's going on. hmmm... i should probably do that now before i forget about it. smart thinking, huh?

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