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am i the father i think i am?

17 Feb 02

it's michael jordan's birthday. don't ask me how i remember that. but i do. and it's dave at putnam's birthday too. i remember that only cause i remember it's the same day as michael jordan's birthday.

i just have a knack for unimportant information, don't i?

it's 1111, make a wish.

okay, i made mine, did you make yours?

ya know what really stinks about having a cold, is that you lose a lot of your taste buds. i'm sitting here eating a minature krackel... and i can't taste anything. i can't taste how good and rich it is. i might as well be eating a banana. (i am a firm believer that bananas are the anti-christ) i don't think i could ever bring myself to eat a banana. unless it was between death and eating one. but that will never happen, so i suppose that i will never eat a banana.

i went to my cousin's birthday party today. he turned one. his oldest sibling is seventeen, eighteen in april. yeah. that's a large gap. matt'll be going to college in the fall. dylan will be learning how to talk. it's interesting. but they are the best kids in the world. i swear. they're great. very friendly and open. and goofy and smart. ya can't go wrong.

the canadians now are gold medal winners. thank God. i never saw either of the programs, but in all that i can gather, the canadians deserve it. i just hope that they felt that they won... and that they weren't some sort of pity case. i don't think that i said that correctly, but i think you might know what i mean. if not, and you really desire to know what i am getting at.... im me at cats1977. kay?

so that andrea yates woman goes on trial starting tomorrow. i'm not a hateful person at all, and i may regret saying what i'm about to say..... if there's anyone who should get the death penalty ever... it should be her. i'm not a fan of capital punishment at all... cause it's too easy. much too easy. but it really makes me sick to my stomach thinking of a middle aged woman drowning each of her children. separately. with her bare hands. her. right there. with them... til their last breath. ugh. that sickens me. maybe she was insane or whatever... but ugh. i'm sick to my stomach. sorry, i need to switch subjects.

i'm so glad to be having tomorrow off. it's a blessing. i just wish that i had the apartment to myself. that would be nice. maybe stephen will go home with some guy tonight and not come back until like 8 oclock tomorrow. that would be good. that would be great actually. why is it that i like to be alone? i really don't know. i just like to be. at least in my house, anyway. i guess i just value my privacy.

hey, they're cutting to newspeople at the olympics, and they're at the concert that's going on there. and guess who's on stage right now? TRAIN. yippee. i miss train. i miss my train listees more so. they're the best. i think i still owe mitchy an email. yikes.

anyway, i should go rest or something.

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