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photo courtesy of waterstain

meri's survey

16 Feb 02

taken from meri

Five CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of:

1. sarah mclachlan - fumbling towards ecstasy

2. barenaked ladies - rock spectacle

3. the wine field - self titled cd

4. bon jovi - crossroads

5. cowboy mouth - are you with me?

Four vacations you have taken:

1. london 1999 - for my cultural studies abroad class. very fun trip with people i wouldn't otherwise travel with. also my first time in another country

2. chicago 2000 - i love chicago. i went there with my friend tracy from college. i want to go back. really bad.

3. montreal 2001 - my first trip with alia and christina. i loved montreal. i really don't know why either. i think it's cause i didn't have any expectations of it.

4. fort lauderdale 2000 - went with christa down there. it just happened to be the same weekend that frank from vanguard was there. how coincidental. many drinks later.... i had a blast down there. rock on iguana cafe!

Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently:

1. standing still - jewel

2. livin' on a prayer - bon jovi

3. stuck in a moment - u2

4. in the end - linkin park

Four things you'd like to learn:

1. how to write a novel

2. how to become more assertive

3. how to have fun when things go bad

4. how to do what i want regardless of what people think

Four beverages you drink frequently:

1. water

2. coke

3. ketel one and tonic

4. cranberry juice

Four places to go in your area:

1. barnes & noble

2. purple shamrock

3. black rose

4. woburn movie theatre

Four things to do when you're bored:

1. surf the net

2. read

3. go to barnes & noble

4. write

Four things that never fail to cheer you up:

1. behind the music

2. o-town

3. reading

4. a good conversation

About 20 years ago...

1. i was four

2. i was my sister's "shadow"

3. my best friends were eric and jimmy

4. i was scared over the peter pan ride in disneyland

About 10 years ago...

1. i was a high school freshman

2. i hated high school

3. i wasn't really with a group of friends

4. the real world was at it's first season on the air

About 5 years ago...

1. i was a sophomore in college

2. i was loving college

3. i was touched by death when my grandfather passed away

4. i changed my major to finance

About 2 years ago...

1. i was a new hire at mellon

2. we just celebrated the millenium (sp?)

3. i was introduced to my wonderful train listees

4. i was getting sick of living at home

About 1 year ago....

1. i moved out

2. i got promoted to senior

3. the only friends i had were from college

4. i was introduced to diaryland... YIPPEE!!


1. i woke up with a cold

2. i went food shopping

3. my mother aggravated me

4. i read some of tony earley's somehow form a family

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