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break these binds that hold my soul

19 Jan 02

this is a wonderful saturday. cooking a chicken pie in the oven and listening to james taylor's "mudslide slim and the blue horizon". you really can't go wrong with that. it's such a great disc. jenn was listening to the greatest hits album the other day. and i was like... "why do i not go home and listen to jt?" i have like 8 or so albums of his. i went through a huge james taylor phase. i still dig him. he's very relaxing and stuff. and his songs are so simple, yet hold so much meaning. or maybe it's just me.

and stephen is not here, which is like double the pleasure. not that i don't like stephen, but i just like having the apartment to myself. it's nice. to just sit here and type away. or do whatever i want and listen to whatever i want. i really should move out on my own, i value my privacy and alone time way too much. that's why i could never be famous. everyone in my business... no thanks. i enjoy my quiet life, thanks.

so today i fooled around on barnes & noble and amazon looking at books. and i became a sucker and ordered a used book from someone. i got "the reader" by bernard schilnik (sp?). i don't know... it's an oprah book, and when i went to barnes last weekend, i read the first couple pages and liked it. so, hopefully the rest of the book is the same. heh. i always hate when the first couple pages are great and the rest of the book just blows. i don't know if there is anything worse than that. maybe there is... but not to a reader, i don't think. :)

this disc is so great. i really do think so. and if you don't own it, i suggest that you go out and purchase. okay, so i just made up my short description, and i was going to put the whole line which is "break these binds that hold my sould and i'm on my way". but i didn't cause it wouldn't fit on one line, and God knows, i like it all fitting on one line... so i had to shorten it, but i didn't want it to go unnoticed. okay, too much attention to my short description. but i really do think that you should purchase it, if you haven't as of yet.

alrightie... the chicken pot pie is almost done, i'm going to go and devulge myself into it. yummy. i'm sure i'll update before the day is over.

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