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steady rockin' all night long

15 Jan 02

another day. another twenty cents. or maybe even ten cents.

we got word today that merits aka raises are going to be pushed back AT LEAST three months. which means i won't get any sort or raise until july. at least. ugh... july. can i wait that long? i don't know. but i really don't want to be talking about work at all.

okay, so i just watched the real world chicago. what i wouldn't give to be living in chicago. and what i wouldn't give for living in one of those houses. i need to stop talking about things and just do it. anyway... i need to go visit chicago again before i move out there. that would be.

last night i went through my cell phone phone book, and began to call people that i haven't talked to in a while. the first was my friend tracy... the one who i bumped into when i went to montreal. i love her. she's awesome. we always had a great time together. and we always tend to be like horny females when we're together. like everything is made sexual. and it's so normal that way. so normal. but anyone else, it would be weird. completely. so anyway, we decided to get together not this upcoming weekend, but the next weekend. january 26 and 27. i think it will be fun. we might even head into the city. yes yes. i can't wait to hang with her. i miss her. she rocks. we talked for over an hour. pretty much an hour and a half, two hours. she's one of those people, that no matter how much we grow on our own, when we do talk again, we pick up quick. it's such an awesome thing to have, ya know? it really is. i totally love it.

well i'm doing laundry right now and need to switch it over... so i'll chat later.

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