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it's bringing me to my knees

16 Oct 01

i was driving to work today when all i thought about was..."if i quit today, how long could i keep living in my apartment without being completely strapped for cash?" that's not a good thing to think about at all. esp. when going into work. but i got my bitch session out to alia and lisa during lunch at panera. i was just on a roll and went with it. about everything. i just need it. i feel way too overwhelmed right now with training. i feel like i can't focus. it's just hard. ugh, i don't need to get into it now. so i won't. it'll just get my angry.

last night i bought a fossil watch at macy's. i like it. it's nice. lavenderish face, silver band. i like it. i think i'm a fossil girl. my last watch was a fossil. and i loved it. and i always got complimented on it. so i saw this one and went with it. and what's better than a lavender watch when i wear a lot of purple? that's what i thought.

so yesterday was the unveiling of my hair cut and color at work. and i got very positive feedback. some about the cut. others about the color. and some about both. people adored it. it's weird, cause i normally get like two inches cut and no one notices. yet everyone... made a nice comment. or something. it was nice. i'm not usta that.

i watched the last episode of love cruise tonight. why? cause it was exciting. heh. i wouldn't mind winning 100K and a trip around the world. that would be heaven for me. plus you'd spend it with someone that you at least semi cared about, ya know? hmm... and why didn't i go on this show? hmm... i don't know. heh.

well stacy is getting tolerable. sort of. she got a computer. i feel she's a little more liberated. i turned her down for lunch today. and she posted much stuff on the system. so, it's getting good. i just haven't taught her the little things that need to get done. interest exceptions. writing up proof. etc. no one understand this but heather. i don't mean to hold people away from it, but honestly, it's better off that you don't know.

so, if anyone has a job for me. please let me know. i'm pretty happy. outgoing. i love to talk to people. anyone? anything? i'm open to ideas.

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