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it's been seven hours and fifteen days

15 Jun 01

why do i always feel like i need to prove myself? esp. to stephen. which is horrible, cause he's my friend and i shouldn't have to. but i feel like i always need to prove myself to him.

with ANYTHING. with getting to work on time, with making good food shopping decision, with doing stuff on my off time, with the books that i read, with any purchase i make. with anything... except for how i breathe. maybe that'll come later.

i wish i could blame it on him, but i know i can't. at least not everything. cause if i felt comfortable enough with myself, then well, i wouldn't be worrying about it so much. but for some reason i always feel the need to worry. why do i care? why? no one else seems to. so why do i? if i ever figure out the reason, believe me, i'll let you know.


today is the day at the hairdresser. in just a half hour actually.... yup yup. i'm getting it cut and colored. fantastic. i can't wait. i haven't told anyone in my family or anything. people at work randomly know... but not everyone. i'm going with an auburn-ish thing, i think. i figure i'll decide when i get there. i want something different but not something bold. i want it to be noticeable, yet soft. ya know? i'll let you know how things go.


every once in a while i think of my parents. i mean, i think about them everyday... but only every once in a while i think about how incredibly awesome they are and how great they raised me. i grew up thinking that there are no defined *rules* or at least the ones that didn't really matter. like the ones ... "don't where white between memorial and labor day." which i really think is such a lame rule. and i grew up to think on my own. completely. i mean, obviously they have influences on my life... but i see some of my friends who only eat certain things cause that's the *only* way they were taught even though they haven't tried out anything. it's just lame. so i'm just glad that the rents raised me the way they did.

based on a rainfalls design
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