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the weekend is ahead

01 Jun 01

finally... the end of the week. i always look forward to this time... when it's a friday after work... and the WHOLE weekend lies in front of you. what a feeling...

tonight i think it's devoted to laundry and harry. what a combo. yar! but i dig clean clothes. it's just getting them to the point of cleanness that i don't dig.

okay, i'm back on to my tool cd. i gave it a rest yesterday. cause i had to do the eyebrow and then go out drinking thing. so i didn't really have an opportunity to listen. so far, so good. with all the cds that i bought the other day.

ya know what i can't stand? when stephen takes out the cd i was listening to and puts it on top of something, rather than back in the case... which is right next to the cd player. grr.... and for some reason i can never think of telling him when he's around. oh well...

so michael and i are going to "sort things out" on sunday. should be interesting. i'm excited and nervous at the same time. we haven't talked since may 19th. which, if you talk to someone every night, is a long time. it's what? 2 and a half weeks or something. i don't even know. maybe it's just two weeks. yeah... it's just two weeks... but still... it's a long time. i miss him and i don't. it's really weird. i can't explain it. there are times i'm dying to talk to him and other times i'm glad we haven't talked. ugh... why is life so confusing.

i hate bills. i hate being an adult. i hate having responsibilities.

there... i got it off my chest.

did i even tell everyone about my cds??? well, i had an urge to get poe so i got haunted. and then for some reason i thought that tool would be a good disc to have, so i got lateralus. no other recent discs amused me, so i went to the used section where i always feel i need to buy something considering discs are like half price. so of course i went throught from A to Z (just like centrum - yeah i'm a dork). so i picked up queensryche's operation: mindcrime cause i totally love queensryche. i have their operation: livecrime... but not the album version. AND.... to make heather, chrissy, and friends happy... i got magazine by jump, little children.

okay... a little too much fun in html. and... is it bad that i linked "friends" to the jumpfolks diaryring considering i'm not even a part of it? maybe.... but i think it's better than not.... i guess... maybe.... i don't know.

sooo... yeah... i guess mr. coady (stephen) and i will be going out for dinner in a bit. fantastic. he's in the shower getting himself pretty. sometimes it's so hard to live with a gay guy... ya know? oh well....

i'm still a babe... i hope you all realize that!

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