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photo courtesy of waterstain

train tonight.


okay... so HOW mad crazy am i today???

um heather can assure you... VERY!!!

yes, tonight is the night that i'm seeing train at the paradise. along with meeting majorly cool people called train listees. oh... sometimes i think they're my best friends. ya know? i was talking to tom on im last night and he was saying how he had an extra ticket for the show tonight. MIND YOU... i heard from colleen yesterday who said she wasn't able to get a ticket in time and therefore couldn't go to tonight's show. so.... my brain started working for once... and i said... "hmm... tom has an extra ticket... colleen needs a ticket." so... YAY.. colleen is going to be at the show tonight. i'm so excited. she's written me a bunch of emails just to say thank you. i'm more than happy to have made it all happen. the more people that can enjoy train... the better. :) and let us not all forget that my babe... mitchy, will also be at the show. i'm a major dork/immature school girl... cause i called his cell this morning just to hear what his voice sounded like. he sounds like such a cutie. he's coming up with his girlfriend, janna who i feel like i know cause he's told me a lot about her. i just can't wait to see him. i've been talking to him for a year and a half online without talking to him on the phone or seeing him in person. i'm sure we'll meet up...

so.... anyway... i'm excited, but i need to finish things up here first. :) YAY.... TRAIN!!!

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