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i was sitting here and thinking... MAYBE, just maybe i should update my diaryland.

hee hee...

i gotta do it quick though, cause well, it's my parents anniversary and i have to give them their present. which are two tickets to see jerry seinfeld at ppac in rhode island. i tried very very hard to get the tickets for the wang, but i couldn't get through at all. so... i bought them for ppac the day that we have both bridal showers. but they better go. i'm sure they will, cause well, my sister and i bought them. :)

so the power at mellon was out for about an hour and half at the beginning of my day. awesome, i say. i don't really care. it was just really weird to do my work in the dark. for some reason our dept was on an emergency generator, while half the bank was not. lucky me. it was so hot in there cause the ac didn't work and it was 75 degrees out today. tomorrow it is suppose to be 80.

tomorrow i'm wearing a skirt.

tomorrow is the day i'm suppose to meet michael. hopefully.

i think we're going to artichokes. he said he'd come to me and go wherever i wanted to go. and i feel like artichokes, cause i haven't been there in ages. or at least had an awesome awesome meal there in ages. the last time i was there i had tea and soup cause my throat hurt. yay! it was good, but i so much prefer other things at that place. very cute place. that's why we're going there. it'll probably seem more date like than what i want... but it will be fine. i hope.

i came home tonight and took a bath. cause i felt all muggy and crap. not a good feeling. i hope this summer isn't too humid. i am so not a fan of humidity. i'm anxious to see what it's like in vegas the first week in july. cause it's suppose to be super hot... but not humid. i don't think i know what that's like. it should be interesting to say the least.

oh, i heard back from debbie ryan yesterday. i guess she finally got an open rec and is looking forward to her supervisors speaking with me. it should be good. at least to meet with people and get my name out there, ya know? she seems rather nice. she even reminded me that i need to post out of my team now since i've been promoted to senior less than 15 months. actually it's a month today that i've been a senior. woo freakin hoo!

i'm trying to think if there is anything else that i need to talk about that has happened or will be happening shortly. no, not really. i'm doing 2 chapters (at least) of harry a night. so far it's working. i'm hoping to read this within two weeks. but i have so many more books lined up afterwards. i think i'm going to read "drowning ruth" next only cause i should get that back to missy as soon as i can, since it's hers and i'm only reading it on loan, AND that i don't see her that often.

hey, i'm seeing train in 8 days. how freakin incredible is that? i'm stoked.

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