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let's rewind the clock

03 Nov 02

dear x november 2002


Dear Meagan,

Hey there, Megs. I haven�t talked to you in ages, how are ya? I�m doing okay I suppose. I guess there is a little here and there to tell you.

For one, I got promoted at work. I�m now an analyst. Finally. After years of being there, I finally get to be something other than a specialist. I actually have a different manager and everything now. So that�s all good, since as you know, Rob was not the best in managerial skills. We get along much better now that I�m now longer his employee. Weird how things like that happen.

Secondly, I�m moving in November. I know, I know, you weren�t even able to make it to the apartment that I am currently in (even though I�ve been here two years). Despite that, I will be moving to Medford, which is the town over from work and it�s closer to Boston. You�ll have to visit me there, that is, if you actually come up sometime.

What ever happened to you coming up to visit me anyway? It always seemed as though I was to come down and visit you. Always. And that hasn�t even happened in a while. Maybe we need to rewind the clock to where it was before when we hung out all the time. I�m not talking about in college, but shortly thereafter, when I�d come down to Connecticut every other weekend to visit. I haven�t seen you since April when we all got together. Is that the only way that we are going to see each other, when the whole gang gets together?

I guess it�s bound to happen, though. It�s just weird. You were always my go to person when I just needed to talk. And times, as you can see, have changed. I�m sure that they have changed for you. I guess I just want to say that I miss hanging with you. We use to always have a great time together, in the weirdest of places. Like dancing in the car on the way home from Wendy�s. Sometimes I want to just rewind back to then, when things were so simple. I guess it�s bound to happen, though.

Anyway, let me know what is going on in your life. I miss you dearly, and want you back. I�ll have to have a housewarming party when I move to Medford. Hopefully you will be able to come. It should be fun. I�ll let you know when it is.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,

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