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photo courtesy of waterstain

i don't even bother

17 Oct 02

so much to say and so little time to say it.

okay... first things first. as of dec 1... well... actually transitionally from nov 15 to dec 1, i will be moving to a new place. stephen and i didn't get into a fight or anything. i kinda decided that i was going to move out. i asked lisa... and after a week or two of pondering... we decided to move in together. we found some places on the web. lisa responded. yada yada yada. the hardest part i had was telling stephen i didn't want to live with him. i wanted to tell him that i didn't like living with him.... to be honest and everything. but... i don't know... somehow it was just slightly easier for me to fall back on the truth a little. i didn't need to end things on a bad note, or even help end things on a bad note. so i told him that lisa found a place (which she did) and asked me to move in with her (which is a slight fib considering i asked her) and we got a great deal which we couldn't pass up (which is what ended up happening). so.... just a little fib. i didn't need to open up a can of worms, right? right.

so now i'm just super excited. i can't wait to move in. it's cute. a house apartment. not the biggest thing, but it will do. ya know? the bedrooms are definitely smaller than either of the ones here. well maybe the big one there is like the small one here.... but the small one there is even smaller. we'll figure out things, though... i'm sure. i can't wait to start decorating. or sending holiday cards or something.

i think this will feel more like my place than what my current place feels like. right now i feel like i'm living in stephen's apartment. renting a room. ya know? like i don't feel like i belong here. it's weird. but i think it will be different once i move out.


anyway... also.... i um... got the brows waxed tonight. and my underarms. it didn't hurt as much as i thought it was going to. but i did it. woo hoo. who knows if i will ever do it again. ya never know.

that's about it for me... i'm going to go read or something. maybe watch some tv.

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