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you're gonna want me for your girl

01 Jan 02

okay, so this was a wasted day. sort of.

i didn't do too much but hang around and lay in bed and do crossword puzzles.

and i did job searches. on the internet. on and i talked to lacey about the whole job process. cause she quit without having a job. way back when, before she started at mellon.

and i even sent my sister an email wondering about the career counsellor that jon went to see. if they recommend him/her, etc. i really just need to get out of my job. and i really need to help myself, because i don't want worse to come to worse and have me make a huge screw up and thus get fired. i want to be out of there before then.

plus i just don't like the job and what it entails. there's too much pressure. and i don't think it's needed pressure. or even pressure that i need to see. or to deal with.

i've just noticed in the past couple months that my aggravation purely stems from my job. and i wish that i figured this out when it happened. cause now the job market is not great at all. and i'm reluctant to enter into it.

it's a scary world out there. i just need to make sure that i can handle it.

i'm not sure if i am.

sorry, i'm just really frustrated and aggravated. the huge question is... should i quit without a job? considering how the market is right now?

ugh. i hate the real world. it so sucks. for all of you in college - enjoy it. it's the best time of your life. once you enter the real world your life goes downhill.


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