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but i did it anyway

20 Oct 01

okay, so i'm still giddy cause of this. i just can't believe that i'm going to be an auntie. it won't be until around june 23rd or so, but i'm excited beyond belief anyway. i had tears in my eyes when my sister told me. yippee.

so anywho... sorry i haven't written in here in forever. stephen and i have been in that weird non talking ish kinda sorta mood. and when that happens, we stay in our own corners. his was in the living room, where my computer is, and mine was in my bedroom, reading smart vs. pretty. well, that was tuesday, i think.

wednesday i went with miss alia to barnes & noble. who woulda thought, huh? there weren't any perspectives though. :( well, maybe one, but he was wearing his cell phone on the outside of his jeans. not a big fan of that. and i'm really not that petty, but like, there are certain things that irk me. and that's one of them. but barnes & noble was fun. we looked at calendars and games and books and travel stuff.

thursday was octoberfest. and i let stacy do morning stuff on her own. she did pretty well. the afternoon stuff, i took over, cause i felt that i needed to explain it more. plus it was octoberfest. and everyone wants a drink for octoberfest. or two or three. maybe even four. i only had two, and then i went back upstairs and locked up my accounts. and then off to the softball game. yippee. daily val kicked conversion and co. ass. rock on us. but i didn't play. i just cheered. and then we headed to hannah's in somerville. which turned out to be a good time. surprisingly. it was good. i didn't expect much out of it. but i talked to many people. the biggest surprise... ryan brown. i had like a full out conversation with him. bizarre. oh well, but according to heather he gets some sort of kick out of me. i suppose that is a good thing.

friday, was really nothing. working late, stacy locked up all my cigna accounts. gosh, i can't wait til bob gets back. i never realized that i could miss him so much. it's just all the little things that you do during the day that you forget to tell people. ya know? it's like a subconscience type deal. ah well. so anyway, then i went over my parents house where my sister told me the news. and all i could think was "WOW". that's it. it's just so overwhelming right now. i can't even imagine how my sister is right now. she's going to be a mom. my parents are going to be grandparents and i'm going to be an auntie. an auntie. me.... i'm going to be auntie kristen. YIPPEE. i can't wait.

today we're crashing kerri's wedding. we work with kerri. she's nice. we're going after the dinner is served. so basically for the dancing part. but sadly, she doesn't want to play living on a prayer by my fave, bon jovi. rock on.

anyway, i should get my life started today.

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