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my second visit

04 Jun 01

okay... i've been good today. this is only like my 2nd time visiting diaryland. i'm thinking of joining a 12 step program. anyone agree? gee, i thought so.

ugh... so... work was work today. not only did dom have the day off today. but vanessa got into a car accident on saturday and was in the hospital overnight. she'll be out for a couple of days. bless her heart. i hope she gets better really soon. and bob was out today due to car trouble. not much fun, i say. plus i had meetings and problems with people not getting faxes all day. oh well. i guess it happens.

tonight the plan is to go home and read harry. hopefully finish harry if i can. if not.. then i go on to tomorrow. i think i can finish it tonight because it's getting to the good stuff. ya know.. the last five chapters when you keep your eyes peeled. ya that whole deal.

and then after harry, i've got drowning ruth to read that i borrowed from missy like a month or two ago. yeah... awesome. it's an oprah book. which i'm not sure if i dig or not... but hey... at least i know a couple people that liked it. and i saw the episode on oprah when they were reviewing it with the author, whose name fails me at this time. christina schwarz or something. i don't know... but something like that. anyway, the book seemed pretty damn good from what they were discussing.

michael never called last night. which i'm a little annoyed about cause i wanted to talk to him. and today i found out that he didn't get back from the weekend bachelor party until like sunday at 11. but he didn't even make mention of... "oh, sorry i didn't call, i got back late" or "i'll call tonight". nothing. he didn't say a word. which is kinda a bummer. i mean... at least say something. oh well....

i should be leaving this place soon, so i'm gonna wrap up now. but i thought i would update my diary just to be cool like that. ha ha... not

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