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photo courtesy of waterstain

i wanna be a rockstar


okay... so it's 100% gorgeous outside... and i'm inside, floating around on the web.


i don't really know. i just feel like there is not much to do outside. if i got ready earlier i'd be either shopping in downtown crossing or reading harry at boston common. but, i didn't get ready early and therefore i spent the day in tj maxx and target looking for the ultimate bed set. i don't think i found it, but i DID get a nice quilt thing with dragonflies and daisies. i thought it was cute. and i got pale yellow sheet set. i just need the bed skirt and the curtains now. how fantastic, huh?

and i also bought oral b satin floss dental floss. i swear, hands down, that this is the BEST floss ever made. doubt me or think i'm absurd? go to your nearest store that sells it, and buy it. then you come back and tell me it's not that great. i doubt you'd be able to.

so i joined a couple webrings. i saw that chrissy had the harry potter ring on her site so i immediately hit the home link on that baby and joined. yay!!! and i joined the diaryland webring, cause well... it's a default.

friday night was fun. i didn't think it would be, but i had a freakin blast. i went to the irish ale house in west roxbury with christa and her friends. it was andy's birthday (well actually it's his birthday today... but we celebrated friday night). and the band wasn't that great at first. and i swore to everyone i wasn't going to leave until they played vanilla ice. but they didn't. but as the drinks and shots started going down i was in a huge dance-y mood. and i started doing the roger rabbit by myself during one of the songs. and after the song, the guitarist was like... "hey that was pretty cool. i could watch you do that all night." okay... it was funny. then the last 3 songs... started off with "play that funky music white boy"... and our whole party of like 10 of us just got up and went crazy dancing... jumping... grinding... singing. it was so much fun. and the i hear the beginnings of "rapper delight" by sugarhill gang. i NEARLY lost it. i was jumping like crazy and singing and just going nuts. and then i turned to face the band... and i was jumping and singing to them and they're like all pointing and into it raising their fist and stuff. we were all singing to each other while i'm jumping up and down and they're singing. it was so much fun. and then they played... "give me one more chance" by the jackson 5. which i LOVE that song. so i went all crazy with that one too. and so did everyone. we're still all jumping and grinding and dancing and singing. oh... it was fun. simple... but fun as all hell.

yesterday i didn't do too much. i picked up my invitation to my cousin's shower cause they sent it to my parents address. and then went to panera for a yummy sandwich. my first time there. i think i'm a fan. then i came home and read and stuff. and decided to go out to eat with stephen. we went to the 99 where i spilled salsa or something ALL over my shirt and he said to me... "oxy clean will get that out in 2 minutes. and i'm like... yeah sure. so when we got home, i filled the sink with water, put two table spoons of oxy clean in, put my shirt in and let it soak, then swished it around. sure enough... in 2 minutes, the stain was completely gone. i am NOW a huge advocate for OXY CLEAN. go to your nearest store and buy some. (and don't forget about oral b satinfloss)

and i got my car washed today. yay. i could barely get my car into those grooves so that my car can go through and get nice and clean. so when i finally did it an pulled up next to the kid, i said "i can drive okay, i swear" and he just laughed. now if the kid was like 5 years older, i think i'd have said some flirty thing and tried to seduce him, but well, he was like 20 and that didn't really work. so i got my 10 dollar car wash (a step up from the basic) and went to dunkins. yay dunkin donuts. what would i ever do without you. :)

and here i am, typing away while it is completely beautiful outside. but i look at it like this... today is going to be one of MANY days like this in the months to come. so, if i don't do something today, i'll do it next time. :)

based on a rainfalls design
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