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photo courtesy of waterstain

cowboy mouth


i am so so so tired today. i had to bring in breakfast this morning for the team... which means i had to wake up early which means i am extremely exhausted. oh i value my sleep.

anyway... cowboy mouth. i LOVE these guys. they so know how to put on a great show. i don't think it is possible for someone NOT to get into their shows. even if you don't know the songs (i didn't know half of them cause they played a bunch from their new album, which i don't have yet)... you just have fun... jumping and singing... the energy from the crowd is incredible. and they always have a part of the show where fred (drummer, and lead) is like... "be happy to be alive. turn to the person on either side of you and give them a hug and kiss and let them know you're happy to be alive..." and out of that i got 4 hugs and a hi five from 5 random people. all for the love of the music. isn't that what it should be all about? it's an incredible feeling what you get from cowboy mouth. i can't even tell you enough. you're just jumping and singing and screaming and smiling and just happy that you're alive. all the bad things of the world seem to dwindle into nothing. and at that point in time nothing is bothering you at all. and you're just happy to be there screaming your lungs out. and to be thankful that you have lungs to scream out of. oh... i would love to go back to last night. maybe that's what i should think of every time i'm having a bad day. what do you say?

christa and debbie never showed up... and they could care less about the consequences. they called missy and told her that they weren't coming cause christa felt sick... they did this at 630. what a warning ya know? 6 freakin' 30... the show was at 7. whatever... they missed out of a great great show. their loss, not mine. i feel bad for them.

so here i am today... at work, exhausted beyond belief. but... i got an email from colleen on the trainlist... and she is willing to road trip to philly to see train. BUT i did think of something... i am suppose to pick my parents up at the airport that night at midnight. hmmm.... i'll have to say that i made some sort of plans that i can't get out of. ones that i can't break. oh well... i'll think of something.

that's all for now. God, i wish my desk was a bed!!!

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